Year 1 after the AI tornado - The impact of AI on the content industry
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The Subject
Sam Spiegel Series LabThe Subject
See moreSeeking salvation, an ultra-Orthodox homosexual entrusts his fate to a contentious psychologist, becoming the centerpiece of an ethically dubious virtual reality conversion experiment.
Series WomenBécane
See moreOumar, brillant étudiant qui rêve de devenir cascadeur plutôt qu’ingénieur comme sa famille le souhaite, se lance secrètement dans une compétition internationale de cross bitume pour pouvoir payer une amende qu’il a reçu suite à une course poursuite avec la police pour rodéo sauvage en réunion.
Co-Pro Pitching SessionsAntilia
See moreOn Saint-Martin, the Flemish launder criminal money. While the discovery of a slave cemetery on a construction site hampers their business and an international police
operation is being prepared, the arrival of the biggest hurricane the island has ever seen is announced… -
The Plasticians
Sam Spiegel Series LabThe Plasticians
See moreAn illegal plastic surgery clinic binds the fate of a mother and daughter, who are dragged into running the business from their living room. As they rise as successful business-women, their harsh reality creeps back in, facing them with the realization that their empowerment is a mere façade
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Slava the Dog
Short SeriesSlava the Dog
See moreA refugee family from Ukraine lost their dog Slava in Hamburg. The search goes viral. A warm-hearted rollercoaster ride through the city culminates in a cheerful circus performance where a drop of love falls into the laps of those who need it most.
See moreStella, 19, performs miracles, real miracles. For the Vatican, it’s a godsend to revive the waning faith of its faithful. But there’s a catch: Stella heals those she sleeps with. And she sleeps around a lot – it’s what she does for a living.
The Struggle for Existence
Short SeriesThe Struggle for Existence
See moreHow do you cope with the struggles of modern day manhood? Who do you go to when you are in doubt? How do you know if you should choke your girlfriend?
Exposed: The Ashley Madison Hack
PodcastsExposed: The Ashley Madison Hack
See moreEXPOSED tells the incredible inside story of the most shocking data breach of the internet age: the Ashley Madison hack. Overnight, millions of cheating spouses had their real names, addresses and sexual preferences published online in a searchable database that anyone could browse.