While some people spend their birthdays opening presents, others see it as an opportunity to announce that they have terminal cancer, at the same time as they reconnect with the daughter they gave up for adoption when they were young. This is the case of Julia, whose 50th birthday party turns into an all-out war when a winning lottery ticket turns up which everyone wants to get their hands on, all the while reopening past wounds.
Writer’s statement
Our primary intention, above all else, is to entertain, using humour and personal histories that are filled with strife and self-interest. We are writing for our viewers. We want them, just for a short while, to forget about their miserable lives (and lots of them fall into that category) by showing them that there are always people worse off than yourself. But that’s not all. The best narratives tend to explore one particular concept: identity. And our series is no exception. How do we see ourselves? How do others see us? Who are we really and who would we like to be? Discussing human nature is something that is highly addictive, and so shutting away a handful of dysfunctional people and forcing them to share some unspeakable secrets will turn out to be a real blast. Placing a mirror in front of the viewers and making them gaze into it – there’s nothing better than that! Well, apart from winning the lottery, I guess.
Producer’s note
This is a series that will have you crying and laughing at the same time, a story that explores the meaning of life through personal entanglements, irony, and the cruellest, most absolute truth. It’s a story based in Spain, but featuring characters that come from very different countries and cultures. You won’t often find a co-production that is so natural and simple, without artifice and with a message that is as natural as life itself. Our intention is to shoot the series in English, using international actors, in a little town in the north of Spain. It’s a comedy for all ages and audiences, and we believe that with the right partners we’ll be able to create an internationally successful series.