Series Mania+ is committed to reducing its digital footprint while improving accessibility.
Today, Series Mania is pursuing its CSR commitments by extending its actions to the Series Mania+ platform. In this way, Series Mania aims to control its digital footprint and support audiences and professionals in adopting practices that take into account the challenges of ecological transition and accessibility.
The platform’s content is produced, distributed and stored more responsibly, without compromising the user experience.
Viewing on Series Mania+ is pre-configured to meet our digital pollution targets, without compromising quality through video and content optimization.
Series Mania+, a more responsible and accessible platform
To reduce our footprint:
- Image optimization: use of webp formats that consume less power while guaranteeing good quality;
- Video that appears only once (on first entry to the platform) to limit unnecessary viewing ;
- Use of less server resources with caching;
- Pre-configured 720p capture to reduce image quality of certain content to reduce file size (e.g. conferences);
- Optimization of the user experience, go through fewer pages to access your content;
- Enable backwards compatibility (480p) so you can extend the experience even on older devices;
- Dark website to reduce the energy used on end-user devices.
To improve our accessiblity:
- Contrasting interface for maximum content legibility.
- Adaptation of font size to meet individual user needs.
- Use of pictograms
Our commitments