L'an 1 après la tornade "AI" - L'impact de l'IA sur l'industrie du contenu
Redécouvrez les projets 2024
All Right
Serial Bridges by Series Mania InstituteAll Right
Voir plusA corporate slave meets her doppelgänger, a girl wishes to re-choose her sex, a career woman’s life gets completely rewritten, a translator rescues female characters from being tampered, and a retired nurse faces the Earth Women’s Strike Month. In a bizarre world, they’re all named Li Xin-Yi.
Crude Conspiracy
Writers Campus by Series Mania InstituteCrude Conspiracy
Voir plusIn the world’s most consequential cover-up, an American Oil Industry CEO rises to power only to spend decades concealing his company’s groundbreaking climate change research.
Don't Cross On Foot
Writers Campus by Series Mania InstituteDon't Cross On Foot
Voir plusLiv, a female police chief in Kirkenes, Norway is tasked by the government with the responsibility of returning a huge surge of undocumented immigrants who have crossed the border from Russia, back to Russia, using only bicycles.
Girls Don't Cry
Series WomenGirls Don't Cry
Voir plusIn a forgotten Polish district where dreams are stifled and authority is corrupt, young volleyball player and her friends, must confront patriarchal injustice & violence, to protect her sisters and change their doomed fate.
who’s who
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La Traque
PodcastsLa Traque
Voir plusLes exploits meurtriers de Florence Rey et Audry Maupin, un jeune couple qui a terrorisé la capitale le temps d’une soirée dans les années 1990.
Slava the Dog
Short SeriesSlava the Dog
Voir plusA refugee family from Ukraine lost their dog Slava in Hamburg. The search goes viral. A warm-hearted rollercoaster ride through the city culminates in a cheerful circus performance where a drop of love falls into the laps of those who need it most.
Ceux qui rougissent
Short SeriesCeux qui rougissent
Voir plusUne dizaine de lycéens en option théâtre voient débarquer un professeur remplaçant pour un mois. Alors qu’ils déclament Shakespeare en gardant leur distance, l’enseignant coupe court à la répétition. Au cœur d’un âge où l’on avance souvent masqué, le regard trop haut ou la tête trop baissée, la question de l’intime s’impose à eux.