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Redécouvrez les projets 2024
Canada-France Series LabBrave
BRAVE est l’histoire d’Emily, une jeune canadienne de 26 ans, extravertie, intense et imprévisible. En voyage à Paris, elle porte plainte contre 4 policiers de la BRI qu’elle accuse de viol. Dans la bataille judiciaire, sa santé mentale sera instrumentalisée pour détruire sa crédibilité. Toute sa vie vole en éclats. Basé sur une histoire vraie, notre thriller psychologique pose la question[...]Voir plus -
Going EuropeanZebras
Voir plusDuring a hot summer, a runaway zebra turns the lives of six foreigners upside down as they seek a better life in Berlin. Between their thirst for freedom and their need for connection, will Samir, Vanja, Casper, Gloria, Yusuf and Zoë manage to find their place in this « European Eldorado »?
Mala Yugoslavia
Going EuropeanMala Yugoslavia
Voir plusIn an eerie post-socialist apartment complex where residents vanish without a trace, women from diverse backgrounds confront societal norms and oppressive forces with dark humour and absurdity.
Our Quiet Days
Taïwan SpotlightOur Quiet Days
Voir plusOn the verge of giving birth, a pregnant forensic pathologist out of wedlock goes back home to look into a puzzling case that involves a teenage girl, only to find out she is the one responsible from the victim’s past.
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Exposed: The Ashley Madison Hack
PodcastsExposed: The Ashley Madison Hack
Voir plusEXPOSED tells the incredible inside story of the most shocking data breach of the internet age: the Ashley Madison hack. Overnight, millions of cheating spouses had their real names, addresses and sexual preferences published online in a searchable database that anyone could browse.
The Struggle for Existence
Short SeriesThe Struggle for Existence
Voir plusHow do you cope with the struggles of modern day manhood? Who do you go to when you are in doubt? How do you know if you should choke your girlfriend?
Limbo Zone
Short SeriesLimbo Zone
Voir plusEevi (21) is in a situation where she does not have a permanent home. She has been bedding temporarily at her friends place, but now she has to move out, leaving her to drift around the city without a place to go. She is hustling in between places, not wanting to admit to her friends or family that she does not have a place to go.